Infrared Sauna Therapy
Infrared sauna therapy typically penetrates deeper into the body (approx. 1-2 inches) versus traditional moist heat saunas only going 1-2 mm in depth. This can provide deeper muscle and joint recovery without the use of UVA/UVB radiation. Healthcare professionals around the world use far-infrared heat to treat a wide array of diseases. The radiant heat penetrates below the skin helping your body detoxify harmful substances that have accumulated.
Far-infrared heat provides the healthy benefits of natural sunlight without any of the dangerous effects of solar radiation. A typical infrared sauna treatment lasts anywhere between 20 and 45 minutes. The temperature inside an infrared sauna is adjustable and averages a comfortable 100 °F to 150 °F. Even better, an infrared sauna can leave you feeling invigorated – not depleted like conventional saunas. The full spectrum heating system provides all wavelengths 100% of the time to optimize your sauna session.
Pricing for Infrared Sauna
Four sauna visits are complimentary for any patient with a treatment package of chiropractic, massage, or acupuncture
$1/minute for infrared sauna treatments
Must be scheduled prior to coming in to ensure the sauna is open and pre-heated for you.