
Cruz Family Chiropractic offers acupuncture services in Houston, Texas with Emily Dwyer, LAc. The practice of acupuncture is the placement of tiny hair-thin needles at specific points on the body. By stimulating these points, we can help to balance both the excess and deficient energies within. 

Acupuncture is part of the ancient practice of Traditional Chinese medicine. The human body has more than 2,000 acupuncture points connected by pathways or meridians that create an energy flow (Qi, pronounced "chee") through the body and contribute to overall health. Disruption of the energy flow can cause disease, but with acupuncture to certain points, it can improve the disruption, thereby improving health.

What is acupuncture good for?

Studies have shown that acupuncture is effective for a variety of conditions. If you or someone you love is suffering from migraines, anxiety, or hormone issues to name a few, let’s talk about how acupuncture can help!  

To learn more about our acupuncturist, Emily, please click here.

New Patient Consultation and Acupuncture Treatment: $115

Return Patient Acupuncture: $90

Two Acupuncture Treatments: $170

Package of Four Acupuncture Treatments: $335

4 free infrared sauna appointments are included with each package

Pricing for Acupuncture Services

*Missed appointments without any prior notice (no-show) will be charged the full cost of the appointment. Any notice given less than 24 hours will be charged 50% of the scheduled service.

Session Expectations

When needling is complete, you will remain on the table for around 20 minutes. Many people like to do some deep breathing, meditation, get lost in the music, and eventually fall into deep relaxation.

After that resting time, we remove the needles. At that time, you can get dressed, and afterwards, we will discuss the recommended ideal frequency and duration of treatments dependent on what you would like to work on with your health.

Follow-up visits begin with a conversation about how you felt after the previous treatment, an update on your chief complaints, and how your body is functioning. You will get cozy on the table, the needling will begin and after 20 minutes of your body healing itself, I will return, remove needles and you will be on your way.

I am always open to questions you may have before, during, or after the treatment. If at any point anything is uncomfortable, let's talk about it and we will remedy the issue. This is YOUR treatment and your comfort is of utmost importance.

A consultation in greater detail of the initial paperwork that includes your chief complaints, health history as well as current functions of your body. 

After we get a little more acquainted, you will get comfy on the treatment table. I will take your pulses and look at your tongue in order to get a glimpse of the interior workings of your body which helps guide the treatment. I will explain the specific sensations you may experience during the needling or throughout the treatment and if you are curious, will show you an acupuncture needle.

When you come in for an initial acupuncture visit, here are a few things you can expect for your appointment:

  • Based on the popularity and thousands of years of success of this medicine, the intention is to decrease pain, not create it. A hair-thin needle is quickly inserted just below the skin to engage with the body's energy or what we call Qi. That being said, there are sensations very specific to acupuncture that might be felt during a treatment which we will go over before our session begins.

  • Typically, people will meditate, do some deep breathing, get lost in the music, and eventually fall asleep. We call it an "acu nap". It is always helpful to remember that while you are where you are, there is no place else you need to be.

  • Occasionally, upon removal of a needle, a point might bleed a few drops or leave a tiny bruise. This might occur when contact is made with a blood vessel. I will apply pressure with a cotton swab for about 3-5 seconds or until the bleeding stops.

  • Acupuncture is subjective and results vary from person to person. Immediately after a session, people tend to feel relaxed and calm and might sleep really well that night. People might experience a decrease in pain and/or a boost in mood. It greatly depends on the reason for the visit and the treatment plan discussed.

  • It is recommended that during treatment time, you refrain from distractions of the outside world, allow yourself to slow down, and remember what it feels like to relax.

  • The tongue is a snapshot of the present internal workings of our body. We use it as a tool to determine the condition of certain organ systems. We look at color, coating, size, and characteristics for insights. There are actually 6 pulses on either wrist that correspond to the organ systems in our body. We look for signs of heat, cold, excess, deficiency, and other characteristics that contribute to the bigger picture.

  • Traditionally the herb Mugwort, referred to as Moxa, is a weed that is rolled into a cylinder and burned like a cigar. It is held over certain acupuncture points to influence therapeutic effects. Due to the lack of ventilation, the use of Moxa spray is more suitable for an enclosed environment. After the needles are placed in various points, Moxa spray is applied in order to decrease inflammation, circulate the qi, decrease pain, and boost the immune system. The application includes the addition of an infrared heat lamp, which is required to activate the properties of the herb.

Frequently Asked Questions